
Arvind Kejriwal expected to be released today?

Arvind Kejriwal expected to be released today? The Supreme Court requests that the ED be ready to say, “We may or may not grant bail but…”

Today, the Supreme Court will hear Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal bail request. Last week, the court said it was “open to consider” releasing Kejriwal on temporary bail in light of the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections.

The Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) attorney was directed by the court last week to prepare for the arguments on the interim bail plea, which are set for later in the day.

The court acknowledged that it would take some time to hear arguments on Kejriwal’s request to be released from the ED’s custody and remanded in the excise policy issue. As a result, the court declared that it might hear arguments on Kejriwal’s temporary release.

Extra Solicitor General SV Raju, who was representing the ED during the sessions, declared that he will fight any temporary bail that was given to Kejriwal.

The highest court responded by stating, “We may grant or we may not grant.” However, we need to appear approachable so that nobody is caught off guard.”

Don’t assume Arvind Kejriwal is granted bail right away, the SC warns.

The court gave the Enforcement Directorate instructions to evaluate possible bail terms and warned both parties against assuming the AAP supremo would be released on bond. Furthermore, considering his role as chief minister, the court urged ED to investigate whether Kejriwal should keep signing files.

Following his arrest on March 21, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been detained in judicial custody at Tihar Jail. On April 15, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) received a notification from the Supreme Court about Kejriwal’s plea, and the Court requested a response. His arrest was upheld by the top court on April 9 due to his persistent failure to cooperate with the inquiry and show up for summonses.

The subject matter concerns purported instances of corruption and money laundering during the development and implementation of the excise policy for 2021–2022 that the Delhi government has since rejected.

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