
PM Modi champions India's AI leadership on global stage, power during the G7 Summit

PM Modi champions India’s AI leadership on global stage, power during the G7 Summit

PM Modi took part in the G7 Summit in Italy a few days after taking office for the third time as prime minister of India. Italy invited leaders of 11 developing nations, including India, even though India is not a member of the G7, which is made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Along with Biden and other G7 leaders, Prime Minister Modi actively participated in the Outreach sessions throughout the summit, which focused on artificial intelligence, energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean. The Prime Minister declared that the 21st century will be the century of technology during his speech at the G7 Outreach Session. He emphasized that India will collaborate with other nations to make AI transparent, equitable, safe, accessible, and accountable.

Prime Minister Modi emphasized India’s leadership in artificial intelligence on the international scene as the world moves toward it at a rate never seen before. Declaring, “India is among the first few countries to formulate a National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence,” he emphasized the nation’s achievements and accomplishments. This year, we started AI Mission based on this plan. It comes from the catchphrase “AI for All.” And we’ll keep collaborating with all nations in the future to make AI accountable, transparent, equitable, safe, and accessible.

In addition, India is encouraging collaboration across all nations as the lead chair and founding member of the Global Partnership for AI. In its hosting of the G-20 Summit last year, India emphasized the significance of global governance in the AI space.

“The twenty-first century is the century of technology,” he continued. Virtually every facet of human existence is impacted by technology in some way. Technology, although inspiring man to set foot on the moon, also presents obstacles such as those related to cyber security. Together, we must make sure that everyone in society benefits from technology, that everyone’s potential is realized, that social injustices are lessened, and that human potential is increased rather than decreased. It is not only our goal, but also our duty to do this. Technology monopolies must be transformed into widespread use. Technology must be made creative, not destructive.

Then and only then will we be able to establish the framework for an inclusive society.

PM Modi also emphasized India’s four-principle approach to energy: availability, accessibility, affordability, and acceptability, in addition to technology.

“India is the first nation to have fulfilled every pledge under COP ahead of schedule. And we are doing all within our power to fulfill our promise to reach Net Zero by 2070.”Let’s collaborate to try to usher in a Green Era as soon as possible,” PM Modi went on.

The Indian government has launched a number of efforts in recent years to help it reach its target of lowering carbon emissions. With the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), India has taken the lead in developing a robust policy response to lessen its vulnerability to climate change through missions and programs.

It is an eight-part national policy designed to support India’s growth path by enhancing and adapting ecological sustainability. National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE), National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (NMSH), National Water Mission (NWM), National Mission on Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE), National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC), National Mission for a Green India (GIM), and National Solar Mission (NSM) are a few examples of the specific interventions. With RBI joining the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), SEBI releasing the BRSR framework, and other initiatives, India’s financial ecosystem is also causing climate change.

India launched Mission LiFE, or Lifestyle For Environment, in an effort to boost citizen participation in the net zero movement.

In keeping with this mission, Modi launched the “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” campaign on June 5, Environment Day. Everybody adores their mom. We aim to turn tree planting into a widespread movement with a human touch and a sense of global responsibility,” Modi stated.

Additionally, he exhorted the G7 leaders to support the initiative.

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