
Shopsy Celebrates 3 years with 330 million app downloads milestone

Shopsy Celebrates 3 years with 330 million app downloads milestone

The fast expanding hyper-value platform Shopsy in India is celebrating its third anniversary by hitting the remarkable mark of 330 million app downloads across the country. Shopsy has transformed the hyper-value online shopping experience over the last three years by providing reasonably priced goods in over 1,300 categories and growing its reach to over 19,000 pin codes. In addition, the site has supported a 1.4 million strong seller community through collaborations with well-known brands like Flipkart.

  • The business head of Shopsy, Prathyusha Agarwal, stated: “We celebrate this milestone with our partners, sellers, and customers whose support has established us as the favorite hyper-value e-commerce platform.” Our path is characterized by our dedication to outstanding value, innovation, and a customer-focused strategy designed to best meet Bharat’s needs. We are committed to improving our products and technology skills in order to provide Bharat’s budget-conscious consumers with an unmatched shopping experience, even if the Indian e-commerce market is predicted to exceed US$300 billion by 2030.

Shopsy has greatly expanded its reach throughout India in just three years, with the goal of providing services to clients everywhere. With additional e-commerce customers from Bilgi, Phul, Faridkot, Nagarcoil, and other places, the platform’s user base now reaches far into India. Roughly 70% of Shopsy’s clientele comes from Tier II and Tier III locations, while 90% of newly registered users are millennials and Gen Z.

Shopsy, a prominent hyper-value e-commerce  Portal, has responded to the growing Indian demand for affordable products. More than 70% of buyers choose items under Rs. 200, demonstrating the attraction of Shopsy’s low-cost selection and attractive product bundling choices.

With over 16 million products in its varied inventory spanning fashion, cosmetics, home, and technology, Shopsy serves every Indian family. With a focus on putting the needs of the client first, Shopsy keeps adding new categories including inexpensive smartphones, children’s clothing, and accessories. Its newest introduction, “Trend Station,” which features viral trends in beauty and fashion, primarily targets India’s trend-conscious Gen Z population.

The success of Shopsy also includes its expanding network of sellers, who come from Indian cities such as Rajkot, Surat, Panipat, Ghaziabad, and others. Sellers are empowered by the platform’s extensive training programs, which also guarantee adherence to performance KPIs and quality standards. Top-performing sellers are recognized and rewarded through programs like Star Seller, which further encourage excellence and expansion.

  • Director of Shrashti Textiles Sachin Chakravarty stated, “As a company, we did not have much focus online.” Our offline markets were where our women’s clothing business operated. However, in just six months after we began working on Shopsy Marketplace, we have received a tremendous amount of internet feedback. The Shopsy staff has been a huge help to us along the way. We were able to grow our company and see daily increases in turnover because of internet sales.

In order to maintain its position as a leader in India’s hyper-value e-commerce market, Shopsy is committed to growing its seller network, improving consumer satisfaction, and diversifying its product offering.

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