
The US government requests industry feedback .

The US government requests industry feedback on the defense contract it has with India.

The US government: On Tuesday, the US government requested input on the planned reciprocal defense procurement deal with India from the defense business community.

An announcement published in the Federal Register on Tuesday stated that the Department of Defense is thinking about negotiating and finalizing a new reciprocal defense procurement agreement with the Republic of India on behalf of the US government.

The DoD said that it was looking for feedback from the industry regarding its involvement in public defense procurements carried out by or on behalf of the Indian Ministry of Defence or Armed Forces.

The Defense Secretary and his international equivalent carry it out.

According to the Federal Register, the goal of an RDP agreement is to promote the standardization, interchangeability, and interoperability of conventional defense technology with allies and other friendly states. These agreements, it added, offer a structure for continual dialogue over market access and procurement issues that improve efficient defense collaboration.

Reciprocal defense procurement agreements typically contain wording stating that both parties agree that their defense purchases will follow specific implementing processes.

These procedures cover the publication of notices of proposed purchases, the content and accessibility of solicitations for proposed purchases, the notification of each unsuccessful offeror, the provision for the hearing and review of complaints, and feedback to unsuccessful offerors regarding the reasons they were denied the opportunity to participate in procurement or were not awarded a contract.

According to the agreement, each nation grants the other nation-specific benefits in accordance with its own national rules and regulations. Offerings of evaluation of qualified country-end products without applying the price differentials normally required by the Buy American Act and the Balance of Payments Program are among the benefits that the United States grants to the products of qualifying nations.


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